Ilex Vomitoria Nana
Dwarf Yaupon Holly:
This compact, dense form holly with fine textured small oval leaves can mature to 2 to 4ft in height and spread. It is slow growing, drought tolerant and requires full sun to partial shade

Ilex Cornuta Burfordii nana:
Dwarf Burford Holly:
A dense growth habit and mature height of five to six feet makes this an ideal hedge plant, with ornamental red berries in Fall and winter, it is a tough, drought tolerant choice that needs full sun to partial shade.

Ilex Cornuta Needlepoint
Needlepoint Holly:
Ilex Cornuta Needlepoint has spiny dark green narrow leaves and bright red berries, it is commonly used as a hedge or ornamental plant, It can grow to 10ft tall and 6 to 8ft wide, is relatively drough tolerant and can easily be pruned with twice yearly pruning.

Ilex Crenata Soft Touch
Soft Touch Holly:
This evergreen in known for it small soft leaves and compact growth habit. It is often used for borders or as a foundation plant due to its tidy appearance and low maintenance nature.

Ligustrum Japonicum Recurvifolium
Recurve Ligustrum:
Ligustrum Japonicum Recurvifolium, also known as recurve Japanese Privet, is a tough evergreen shrub used in the landscape for hedges, privacy screens, or as a specimen. Fast growing it can reach 10 ft tall and 6ft wide, and has white flower clusters in spring and early summer.

Ligustrum Japonicum Howardii
Howardii Ligustrum:
Ligustrum Japonicum Howardii is and evergreen shrub prized for its striking variegated foliage, and is popular in landscapes due to its year-round color, toughness and versatility, thriving in full sun.

Muhlenbergia Capillaris
Pink Muhly Grass:
Muhlenbergia Capillaris is a stunning ornamental grass known for its dramatic pink plumes in late summer and Fall. It has fine green blades and forms a dense clump growing 3 to 4 feet wide. Low on maintenance, it just needs to be cut back to 6 inches in late winter to encourage new growth.

Miscanthus Sinensis Adagio
Adagio Miscanthus:
Miscanthus Sinensis Adagio is a compact ornamental grass known for its arching foliage and silvery plumes in late summer. A versatile plant that adds texture and movement to the landscape while being low-maintenance and drought-tolerant.

Abelia Grandiflora Rose creek
Rose creek Abelia:
Abelia Grandiflora Rose creek is a compact semi-evergreen shrub known for its glossy foliage and white blooms that last all summer. A versatile plant that can be used in borders, foundations and containers.

Loropetalum Chinense Ruby
Ruby Loropetalum:
Loropetalum Chinense Ruby is a popular evergreen shrub known for its vibrant purple foliage and striking pink flowers. It has a compact growth habit, reaching 5 feet in height and width, but will benefit from trimming after blooming to promote dense growth and better blooming next season

Loropetalum Chinense var Rubrum
Purple Plum Loropetalum:
Loropetalum Chinense var Rubrum, also known
as Chinese Fringe Flower, has rich purple or burgundy color with pink
fringe-shaped blooms in Spring and sporadically throughout the year. It can grow up to 6ft tall, preferring well-drained soil, and full sun.

Juniperus davurica Parsonii
Parson Juniper:
This popular evergreen shrub has a dense, low-growing habit and soft needle-like foliage. Ideally used in the landscape for ground cover, erosion control, or as a border plant, it will spread 6 to ten feet upon maturity while remaining 2ft high.

Juniperus Conferta Blue Pacific
Blue Pacific Juniper:
Soft needle-like leaves are a distinct blue-green color, that remain vibrant throughout the year. Its dense creeping growth habit and excellent salt tolerance makes it ideal for coastal landscapes, rock gardens and as a ground cover.

Gardenia Jasminoides Frostproof
Frostproof Gardenia:
Gardenia Jasminoides Frostproof is a hardy evergreen shrub, known for its fragrant white flowers and glossy dark green leaves. It remains compact, growing to a mature height iof 3 to 4ft, and is an ideal foundation plant that can withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees F.

Buxus Microphylla Wintergreen
Wintergreen Boxwood:
This is a versatile small evergreen shrub with dense fine-textured foliage and and a compact growth habit, ideal for low hedges and foundation plantings. It has a moderate growth rate and prefers well drained, slightly acidic soils.

Rhododendron Indicum Formosa
Formosa Azalea:
This is the traditional Southern Azalea, with dark green foliage and large showy blooms in Spring. Commonly used as foundation plantings or for shrub borders, it can grow to 6ft but can be pruned to a more compact
size. Available in a variety of colors from deep purple to white and red.

Osmanthus Fragrans
Tea Olive:
Osmanthus Fragrans, also known as sweet olive. This versatile evergreen shrub has an upright growth habit and is used in privacy hedges or mixed borders. The small white blooms in Fall, and often early summer produce a powerful fragrance similar to apricots or jasmine

Myrica cerifera
Wax Myrtle:
Myrica cerifera also know as bayberry, is a fast-growing evergreen shrub or small tree with soft narrow olive green leaves that are aromatic, especially when crushed. Popular for privacy screens or naturalizing, it has high salt tolerance and a natural, informal growth habit.

Juniperus Virginiana Grey Owl
Grey Owl Juniper:
This larger low-maintenance juniper is known for its soft silver gray foliage and spreading habit. It will grow to 3ft high and 6 to 7ft wide, and is often used in rock gardens, for ground cover and erosion. It is highly drought tolerant and can handle poor soils.

Rhaphiolepis Indica
Indian Hawthorn:
Rhaphiolepis Indica is a compact, evergreen shrub with dark green leaves that produces clusters of fragrant white flowers in summer. It has a naturally compact, rounded growth habit that makes it ideal for low hedges, borders, and foundation plantings.